Text Structures Assignment GRADED for Skyward

  • Due No due date
  • Points 100
  • Questions 16
  • Time Limit None


Read each passage and select the text structure that it describes. Remember to look for key words! This will be graded and put into Skyward. The actual quiz is on Thursday, February 15th.

  • Chronological Order (Sequence): How events are organized such as beginning to end, a set of directions, and dates. KEY WORDS: First, second, then, next, before, after, finally, following.
  • Compare and Contrast: What is being compared (differences)? How are they similar (the same)? KEY WORDS: similar, same, alike, both, as well as, unlike, on the other hand, instead.
  • Cause and Effect: What happened (effect) and why did it happen (cause)? KEY WORDS: since, because, if, due to, as a result, causes, consequently, then, therefore.
  • Problem and Solution: What is the problem and what is the solution (or resolution)? KEY WORDS: problem, issue, since, as a result, solution, idea. 
  • Description: Details that help the reader visualize information. KEY WORDS: such as, for instance, in addition, also, specifically. Look for adjectives and synonyms.
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